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This section contains a sort of toolbox, useful for developing the project:
The basic training course, the two main books by Francesco Tonucci and the methodological manuals on the project activities.

Basic training course (Italian language)

After joining the project, the working group chosen by the mayor, to manage it at a local level, should participate in a basic training course that illustrates its philosophy and the main activities that the municipality should develop.

To guarantee the municipalities that have joined the opportunity to participate in the basic training, we have decided to make the videos of the main four training modules available:

    1. The city of children: a new philosophy of city government;
    2. Listening to children: the Council of girls and boys;
    3. The autonomy of movement of children: a necessity and a right for them, a resource for the family, the school and the city;
    4. The right to free time and to play.

Recommendations for viewing

We recommend viewing each module individually and following the viewing with a discussion by the working group, in order to prepare the comparison and debate which will then be conducted by a representative of the international laboratory.

To access the videos

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fill out the form below:

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For further information on the project you can consult the two main texts by the prof. Francesco Tonucci:

Methodological manuals

To develop the main activities of the project it is possible to refer to the methodological manuals, developed by the working group over the years:
